New York Times highlights Space Based Solar Power

This The New York Times article gives a good overview of where SpaceBasedSolarPower (SBSP) is today. It is an engineering problem that has been solvable since the 1970's but the economics only recently worked. Its now practical because launch costs dropped, solar efficiency increased, and robots keep improving.

We're proud to be mentioned for our work on this.

One thing to add is why this should be done. Space based solar power is unique. It can solve the problems of energy storage, energy transmission, and scalability that are inherent with wind and ground based solar. Since power is always available in orbit and can be beamed where needed, it eliminates the need to spend trillions on continental scale transmission systems and utility scale energy storage. Because it is more mineral and land efficient, it can scale to replace fossil fuels and raise the standards of living globally. Among the feasible options today, it offers the best path to a cleaner and more prosperous world.


Future of Energy plus Wireless Power Transfer demo at WIRED Energy Tech Summit


Underlying Technology for SBSP has improved radically in last 40 years