Distribution and storage costs dwarf generation costs for renewal energy transition

One of the challenges with renewables is that when and where they are generated doesn't align with when and where they are used. This difference is so expensive, it rivals the cost of electricity generation [1].

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Feb 2023 National Transmission Needs Study draft for public comment [2] illustrates this problem in Figure IV-6 with a map of the average hourly difference in electricity prices between regions of the US. This is a global issue.

The proposed solution is to upgrade and double the size of the electric grid at a cost of more than $21 trillion [3].

Space based solar power (
SBSP) offers a different future. SBSP is both a generation and a transmission solution. An orbiting power station can provide firm, clean, and renewable power without the limitations of terrestrial wind and solar. It can wirelessly dispatch power to where it is needed. This can lower congestion and reduce the need for new transmission lines. With upgrades costing millions of dollars per mile of transmission line [4], SBSP can reduce the total cost of electricity in ways no other technology can.

Lazard - https://www.lazard.com/media/2ozoovyg/lazards-lcoeplus-april-2023.pdf
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - https://www.energy.gov/sites/default/files/2023-02/022423-DRAFTNeedsStudyforPublicComment.pdf
BloombergNEF - https://about.bnef.com/blog/a-power-grid-long-enough-to-reach-the-sun-is-key-to-the-climate-fight/
National Renewable Energy Laboratory - https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy22osti/81644.pdf


Costs of distribution and storage offset reductions from scale up of terrestrial solar energy


Dr. Ed Tate Presentation at ESA SpaceTech Symposium