Beaming Day 2023: Live 100m Wireless Power Transfer Demonstration
This demonstration was the following:
The first fractional space based solar power system Proof of Concept demonstration
One power satellite of 1.92m aperture - 6,400 transmitting antenna elements
One receiving antenna (rectenna) of 1.32m x 1.62m aperture - 1,944 receiving antenna elements
Significant fraction of orbit to ground distance wireless power transfer at 10GHz frequency
Farfield distance = 2*A^2/γ , A = aperture (m), γ = Wavelength (m) which is 0.03m for 10Ghz
2*1.92^2/0.03 = 246m farfield distance - so 100m is 41% of farfield and the longest practical distance with apertures constructed in our lab (limited by door size).
A 385MW, 1130m aperture array is 2*1130^2/0.03 = 85,126km farfield, with a 35,000km orbital altitude is equivalent to the demonstrated distance.
Safe transfer of received Direct Current power
Limited by allowable peak microwave intensities to 20% of sunlight
Wireless power beam steering to multiple targets (each 1.92m square) with a fixed transmitter orientation
One rectenna
One light emitting diode antenna array (lectenna wall)
One radar-absorbing foam thermal target wall