Persistent, global, scalable energy from space.  

clean, firm and safe

Our Technology

Virtus Solis has designed the world's first space-based solar power energy generation system able to directly compete with all forms of energy.

Benefits of Space-Based
Solar Power

Lowest cost firm energy

Clean, firm, safe

Scalable and dispatchable

Avoids long distance distribution and storage

Lowest critical mineral and carbon intensity

Can achieve Actual Zero, not just Net-Zero

our mission

Access to low-cost energy is the greatest lever for universal prosperity.  

We believe the primary energy market, which is 85% powered by fossil fuels has no equitable path to sustainability with current technology. The intermittency and non-dispatchable nature of wind and terrestrial solar are not solvable with known battery energy storage at any cost. Space-based solar avoids the need for storage by beaming energy from sun-lit space through weather and night to anywhere on the planet.

Our solution is simultaneously scalable, low-cost, safe and clean. We can enable large scale desalination, recycling and chemical synthesis, as well as urban vertical farming as examples.  

We believe we can deliver a prosperous future for all residents of planet Earth and beyond.